What is History of Computer - Basic Programming Knowledge

What is History of Computer

February 10, 2019
History of Computer 

Computer was invented because "necessity is the mother of invention. Man always searched for a fast calculating device. It took a long time to invent the digital computer.

Computer was invented because "necessity is the mother of invention. Man always

searched for a fast calculating device. It took a long time to invent the digital computer.
A brief history behind the invention of computer is as follows:
Abacus was the first computing device. It was developed 5000 years ago. It was used
to perform simple addition and subtraction. Abacus was a wooden rack. It
horizontal wires with beads strong on The beads could move easily. All simple
arithmetic calculations were performed by moving these beads according to programming rules.
John Napier's Bone
John Napier was a Scottish mathematician. He created logarithm tables to facilitate
calculation. He also created a device known as Napier's Bones. The device used rods to
perform arithmetic calculations. It was desiB1ed in the early 17th century. The device was
widely used by accountants and bookkeepers.
The concept of logarithm was used to develop slide rule. The modern slide rule could
used to perform arithmetic calculation. It was also used to calculate squares, square roots,
logs, sine and cosine etc. The slide rule was used till the middle 70's.
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician. He invented a mechanical adding machine
in 1642 known as Pascaline Calculator. The machine contained different ma wheels. Each
wheel displayed the digit 0 to 9. It could only add and subtract numbers. Division and
multiplication were performed by repeated addition and subtraction. It was not a commercial
success because it could not provide sufficient precision for practical use.
Von Leibnitz
Von Leibniz was a German scientist. He developed a calculating machine in 1694. It
was the first calculator that could multiply and divide also. It was similar to Pascal's
calculator but it was more reliable and accurate.
Charles Xavier
A French scientist Charles Xavier developed a machine that could perform addition
subtraction, multiplication and division.
Punched Board
A French engineer Joseph developed the punchboard system for power looms. It was
used to create specific weaving patterns on cloths. Later on, the system was used in
computing devices.
Charles Babbage
In 1822, a mathematician Charles Babbage invented a difference engine for
mathematical calculations, in 1842, he developed the Analytical Engine that was automatic.
This engine could perform 60 Additions per minute.
Herman Hollerith
In 1849, Herman applied the idea of punchboards in computers. He used punch cards
in computers for input and output.
Atanasoff was a at Lowa University He Invented an electronic computer.
He applied algebra to computer circuitry.
George Boole
George Boole simplified binary system of algebra. His rule states that any
mathematical equation can be stated simply as either true or false.
The Mark I Computer (193744)
It also known as Automatic Sequence Controlled calculator. It was first fully
automatic calculating machine. It was by Howard A. Aiken of Harvard University.
It was very reliable but huge in size.
The ENIAC (1943-46)
ENIAC stands for Numerical Integrator and Calculator. It was invented by
J. P. Eckert and John Mauchly in 1946. It was the first electronic computer. It was very heavy
and large in size. It consumed 140 Kilo Watts of power. It could per
DVAC for Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Calculator. It was
developed Dr. John Von Neumann It could  store and data.
UNIVAC stands for Universal Automatic Computer. Eckert and Mauchly formed
Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation in 1947 to manufacture computers commercially.
They manufactured the first successful computer UNIVAC. It was the first computer for
commercial use. It was given to the US bureau of census in 1951. It was manufactured both
for scienffic and commercial applications.